Saturday, May 22, 2010

This One is for You, Mark!

This is not a pix of weeds, like you requested, but it is definitely not flowers either.. So enjoy this picture that I took specifically for you!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Close Ups

I am enjoying this camera for the sheer fact of the great close ups I can get.  They seem to be more sharp and clear than pictures off my old camera.  Now, granted I do not have a mega zoom lens yet, but I can still get these wonderful shots of my little girls as they sit near me.  These are nothing fancy, but they are ones that I like from recent days.  And they are growing up so fast that I feel the need to capture their youth while I can.  One small thing I can do to freeze time and keep them young.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hanging on!

These are pictures of the tulips my hubby sent to me for Mother's Day.  These are one of my most favorite flowers and I especially love them when they are multi-colored.
And these are the same tulips as above, only they are on their last breath--fully open and bent over in the vase.  I loved the color of the insides that you don't normally get to see when they are in standard tulip form.  I see them as hanging on for dear life, not wanting to leave until the last possible moment.  I feel that way sometimes.  Don't you?

A Work In Progress

Now that I have a really good camera, I have decided to start a picture blog to show my progress in taking awesome pictures. It will take some time as I am quite confused with all the buttons and gadgets that this camera has to offer.  But I am excited to start this new journey in developing this hobby into something that I have always dreamed of doing--capturing those breathtaking works of art that you see on your computer screensavers, in books, and in photo galleries.  They may not be elaborate, but they will mean something to me and stir memories in my heart that will always bring me joy.  So I hope you enjoy my journey as I do and all get something different out of what I see "through my eyes".